4 Reasons to Hire A Birth Photographer | Kansas City Birth

Joyous birth photograph in Kansas City | Hire a birth photographer

When I tell people that i’m a birth photographer, many people will look at me confused and ask why anyone would decide to photograph their birth.

More and more families are choosing to hire a photographer to document that beautiful moment their baby enters the world. Here are a few important facts to know about birth

1. Birth Deserves to be Celebrated.

This is the day that your brand new baby comes into the world. It changes everything. Their fuzzy body, those wrinkles, and the damp head of hair. Words will fail to capture the true depth of this moment. A beautiful photograph will preserve all the emotion of your fist minutes together.

You grew this baby mama! You birthed this baby! Birth photography gives you the evidence of your incredible strength that you may need a reminder of during those tough newborn days that are coming ahead.

Support through contractions during labor in Kansas City | Reasons to hire a birth photographer

2. Birth Photography Enhances Family Connection.

I’ve heard some moms fearful that inviting a photographer into their birth space will disrupt or change the intimate connection in the birth space between mama, husband, and their new baby. I have found that that’s not necessarily true.

Hiring a birth photographer allows your husband and family to be completely present with you throughout your labor and delivery. Most importantly in those precious bonding moments after birth. Giving your partner the gift of this day fully, without worrying about getting a good photograph. Let a professional birth photographer, who has walked through this before, capture sacred first moments as a family so you can just live them through together.

3. Birth is Unpredictable

There are no do-overs in labor or delivery. The most heartfelt moments in birth happen in a split second. Hiring a professional birth photographer means securing someone who has education. Knowledge on how to handle all the challenges a birthing situation can present and has specialized equipment to handle all things birth.

Whether your baby is born in a dark crowded bathroom, or a brightly lit birthing room, you want the person documenting those momentous moments to have the technical skill and artistic ability to make art in the most unpredictable circumstances.

You wouldn’t trust just anyone to photograph your wedding. Be confident in the person who will capture those moments of becoming parents.

Kansas City Birth Center

4. Birth is a Team Effort

You, mama, deserve to be surrounded by people who know you, who believe in you, and will support you in this vulnerable time. Birth photographers are intimately acquainted both with the families they serve and also the birthing process itself.

Families hire me not just for photographs, but also for the calmness I bring to their birth experience. A great birth photographer knows when to offer words of reassurance, when to quietly hold space, and how to artfully tell the story of your delivery as it unfolds.

Each birth I am blessed to photograph reaffirms my passion to show women that they are powerful, that miracles still exist, and that no story is more compelling or beautiful than a child’s entrance into the world.

I hope that this left with you a little more “mph” and value on your desire to hire a birth photographer in Kansas City.

Check out some more birth images!!

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