Birth is an incredibly wild journey. Every birth is unique and has the ability to humble each of us on such a deep level. Documenting your birth provides for a way to never forget just how much love, care, surrender was in your birth space. 

The Why

Honey Works


Photographs taken by: Sunshine and Shadows Photography, April Kraus Photography

3 years ago I jumped into the birth world. Became birth doula certified, bought camera gear specific for low light, and gathered as much information as I could. You might be wondering how I got here though. It all starts with my mom who was a doula when I was in high school. When I had both my girls, I made the decision to birth in the stand alone birth center in Tucson, where i'm from. The experience was incredible and both girls were born in the same exact room, 23 months apart. That was it for me, I became a self proclaimed "birth nerd".

Now, years later, I've co-slept, baby wore, and even cloth diapered. Extended breastfeeding, delayed cord clamping, essential oil using, good ole crunchy mom. 

I do want you to know who I am and what my beliefs are, as they are what I bring into your birth space and each session. 
I named my business Honey Works because first and foremost, I am a Christian, Daughter of The King. Being a Christian comes first, before being a wife, before being a mother, and before being a business owner, photographer, and filmmaker. My faith is what drives this business, what drives me to document birth and families. It is through my belief in Christ that I have the heart to photograph the miracle of birth and the beauty that is motherhood. I serve every mom and family through that lens. It's an honor to document your family and birth. My hope is that I can serve your family representing Christ. My desire is to show you just how beautiful motherhood is while you are in the thick of it. To see this amazing, beautiful, sacred, God given miracle the way it was intended. These are the most important days of your life. Your birth is the moment that changes history and brings a new present. Becoming mother. 

Christin Ortiz


meet the

My books fill up pretty quickly! Please reach out soon. 

Now Booking fall birth stories and lifestyle sessions

Seriously - little sounds better right now than hangin' with you and the people that rock your world.

Sound like we could be friends?!
- Psalm 24: 13-14
Honey from the comb is sweet to your taste. Know also that wisdom is like honey for you: if you find it, there is a future hope for you, and your hope will not be cutoff.

raw emotion, real interaction, unforgettable images of you and your family.


Another woman in the room that believes in you and your husband


You to look back and remember every detail of your baby's birth


Birth is so beautiful, don't forget how you felt on one of the most important days of your life

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