What Questions to Ask A Birth Doula/Photographer

Questions to ask about experience:

Birth photographer in Kansas City documenting a home birth

What I’ve learned in the first 3 years as a birth doula and photographer has shaped who I am and how I support the families I serve. What I know now, is not what I knew then. Here are some questions to ask to figure out their experience as a birth doula/photographer. Variations of asking could be: How long have you been a birth doula/photographer? How many births have you attended? What was your longest labor? What was your shortest? Do you have any protocols in place for those instances?

Style and Support:

Being in the birth space as a Christian has confirmed so much to me on how Good our God is. Birth is natural and made to be that way. Your body can birth your baby without intervention (but also, intervention is sometimes needed). In terms of style you basically want to know what their philosophy on birth is. What do they believe about birth? Do those beliefs align with yours? Keep in mind, this will play a very active role in the way you feel during your labor. For support you want to know how this person will physically support you during your labor. What coping techniques do they prefer to use? What do they implement for pain tolerance?

Your husband:

There have been many times I’ve seen the doula or even best friend take over support of the mama in labor. Dad’s are pushed back to sit and watch. I believe husbands should take the most active roll in supporting you during your labor. Every helpful pain management tool, laboring position, counter pressure, or word of affirmation is much more helpful to you..if it’s given by your husband. Honestly, I believe the doulas are for the dads. Questions you can ask are: How do they support your husband during this time? What does it look like for them to involve your husband? Do they believe your husband should even have an active role?

People and Places:

Birth is incredibly unpredictable. A home birth mama could transfer to a hospital due to many reasons. A mother who had originally thought she wanted a hospital birth could change her mind and want a home birth. There is no way in telling what will happen and you will want someone who has experienced it all. Someone who has been in the major hospitals, who has worked with different midwives, and who also has a reliable backup. Asking for references from the birth doula/photographer is perfect! You can also ask your birth provider if they have worked with your doula/photographer as well!

Helpful tip: You may not even need to remember what questions to ask the person you are thinking of hiring! Throughout your conversation most of these questions will naturally be answered!

Kansas City homebirth mama laboring on the toilet

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