The decision has been made, you want to have your home birth photographed. You’ve seen all those beautiful photos and want YOURS to come out like that too. Here are some ways/ what to wear for beautiful home birth photographs.
Beautiful bra
Find a comfortable and cute bra that you don’t mind getting a wet. I would recommend a lace bra that is in a color that complements your skin tone.
Plain colored towels
This sounds silly I know. I would recommend getting or laying out nice, solid color towels for afterbirth or if having a water birth, something to put over baby. Towels can easily be overlooked when preparing for a home birth but they can be an easy distraction in your photos.
Solid color shirts for dad
A common question I receive is “what should dad wear for home birth”. The answer is pretty simple. Put away a plain solid colored shirt for dad to wear once labor starts. Nothing with big logos, a color that compliments his skin tone, and a shirt he doesn’t mind letting go of afterwards just in case.
No hats!
Seriously. I know hats are a dads best friend but this is not the time for a hat to shield his reaction during any parts of your birth. We want to see his face! *If they must be worn, they can be worn backwards*
Check your surroundings
Nesting always hits hard before mamas give birth. While nesting try to pay close attention to the area you will be laboring and birthing in. Is there any clutter on surfaces in those places?
Have you thought about putting some birth affirmations up? Maybe putting the diffuser on, or having some photos of your loved ones? There have been many moms who love putting little lights around the birth space for just enough light that isn’t too distracting.

See a whole home birth gallery here: